Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This one's sick of farina and yogurt!

Ouch! I got all four of my wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. I hate surgery and more than that I hate being laid up. This is surprising because I am a person who likes to veg out so you would think I like being able to slum around the house and have an excuse to do so. I found this not to be the case, maybe due to the fact that I like the choice of being able to veg and that choice has been taken away from me along with my 4 third molars.

Main point: I'm getting bored and hungry.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Why can't the whole world just be fire retardant?

What a long day!

I spent the first 8 hours of work attending fire safety training and because of it I think I can be clinically diagnosed as a "pyro-hypochondriac", if there is such a term. As I sit at my computer I'm just waiting for something to spontaneously combust.....which is known as a "flash over" for those who are not as fire savvy as I have recently come to be.

Please check your fire alarms and clean out your lint traps because I'm freaking out over here.

Anyway, I'm thankful today is over and my warm bed is waiting for me!

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Let's give this baby another go around...shall we?

I slack, I slack I know.

I felt that if I didn't have anything to blog about I shouldn't blog at all and that's not the right attitude.

I'm going to try to be a more dutiful blogger!