Not to be mistaken for an obituary
My friend Jennie and I have known each other since grade school. Jennie attended the parochial school in our town and I was a public school kinda gal. We were acquaintances when we were younger and became fast friends when we attended high school together. After high school we moved on and away from each other, physically and emotionally. Needless to say our friendship naturally dwindled.
Jennie and I would see each other sporadically throughout the years after high school, at weddings and such. We would chat and converse about our lives and how things have been progressing. Yet, as these polite interactions tend to go, I never felt fulfilled.
Approximately six months ago Jennie and I entered a new plane in our relationship, we became........FACEBOOK FRIENDS! Oh the horror! "Facebook friends" deserve a blog in and of itself so I'll tackle that some other time (actually, I'll probably just leave it up to someone else). Facebook allowed Jennie and I to reconnect without actually doing it, which leaves me even more unfulfilled. What facebook did help me realize was how much I really miss Jennie and our friendship.
On Sunday, the 8th of June, Jennie had a birthday. I want to wish Jennie a happy birthday by dedicating this blog entry to her.
One thing that I love is reconnecting with old friends and sharing memories that we've had. What's even better is when a friend remembers moments you may have forgotten. So Jennie, to celebrate you and our friendship, here are some things I love and remember about you. Some you may remember, others you may not.
1. We both liked the song, "I need to know" by Marc Anthony.
2. The time we were toilet papering RD's house and Mr. Stick stepped on my back (hard).
3. Tina La Wina from Pasadena
4. Talking smack about Laura when she began dating Kevin (that wasn't nice of us. Laura, I apologize).
5. Ditching out on last hour because we had study hall and no one kept tabs on us.
6. Not understanding a damn thing in Algebra II.
7. Dancing until the break of dawn at post-prom parties.
8. Our conversation about the possibility of our parents dieing. Side note: this conversation came to my mind and comforted me in some weird, twisted way when my dad died....I've always wanted to thank you for that.
9. Ringing in the new year by eating pickled herring at April's house.
10. I remember you're a lefty and your penmanship was sloppy (like mine).
11. Spanish class. Remember when we had to go in the closet and recite those weird.
12. Writing our own "unique" questions for English Club.
13. Art Club......we held office! What did we do?
14. Sign Language Club......what did we do?
15. The night at my house when the party moved to Simeon's and Amanda got into a bit of trouble.
16. Hanging out at Cafe Espresso.
17. I envied your job at Fleet Farm because I worked at McDonald's.
18. I have always liked the fact that your name ends in "ie" and not "y"'ve never seemed like a Jenny to me.
19. You're "older man crush".....LK (or is it LC?)
20. Food classes with Ms. Knipp
21. You've always wanted to run your own bed and breakfast. I still want to work for you.
These are just a few of the great memories I have, but what I remember the most about you was that you valued simplicity. You enjoyed spending time with your family and friends, cooking and gardening, things that bring people closer to themselves and others. You were discouraged by complexity and aimed to keep things simple. Even in high school you and I would reminisce about the past, when things didn't seem as complicated and difficult. (I just realized I'm writing in the past tense....I hope it doesn't seem like an obituary ;)
I guess what I'm saying is that you always helped put things in perspective for me, and when I was spending time with you I felt a sense of peace.
I'm rambling.....Jennie, I hope your birthday was great and more than that I hope you're doing well. Let's get together soon, that's not a's a demand.
Here are some pictures.....I couldn't help myself!

Junior Prom: "ouwza" I look pale and strained

studying in Mr Pinney's study hall; lefty action in progress
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