Let Your Mind Wander
A patchwork quilt of ideas, thoughts, feelings, theories and experiences.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #29
Today I learned how to make an origami paper crane.
The paper crane is a sign of world peace and it is said that whomever makes a thousand of them will get a wished granted by a crane.
I plan on making them and using them as decorations for my wedding. While I doubt I'll make a thousand, I'd like to make an honest effort, we'll see how many folders I can recruit....
Here's an example of how I want to incorporate them into the decor. I like how they're used in this image, although I would use colored paper and space them a little farther apart. I think they might look nice by the gift and guest book area. What do you think?

If you are interested in learning how to make them here's a website I found that really simplified the process: http://origami.org.uk/origamicrane.htm
Once you're finished let me know if I can take any off your hands and I'll send you my address....hint hint.
Labels: animals, goal, learning, new year, pictures, wedding
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #26 and 27
Two weekends ago I went to visit a friend of mine who lives about an hour away from me. My friend has two little girls, a 3 year old and a 4 month old. When I arrived at my friend's home, her 3 year old daughter (let's call her Bean) was very excited to see me and kept saying my name over and over. I was already impressed at this point because I know grown adults who experience difficulty pronouncing my name correctly and I've known them for years. After about a half hour of chatting with my friend, her 4 month old began crying so I played with Bean while she tended to her wee one.
Now when it comes to playing, having fun, and toys in general, I'm pretty well versed. However, I was not familiar with the Littlest Pet Shop, which is just the toy that Bean whipped out. I soon found it needed no explanation, it's just a bunch of miniature plastic animals that are apparently very popular among wee ones. So Bean whips out this plastic tree house thing about the size of the average woman's shoe box. Inside the tree are four miniature animals, a pink poodle, a white cat, a foxy looking skunk, and a brown chimp. I immeditely said I wanted the skunk and the monkey but some how wound up with the poodle and the cat, which I wasn't too upset about because the poodle had a skateboard accessory....score!
So, here we are, playing this game, making up one outrageous plot after the next when I pick up the chimp and randomly say to Bean, "When it's time for chimps to go to bed at night they make a nest up in the trees and sleep there." Without hesitation Bean asks why. I reply (not ever having formally learned this but just assuming) "To keep away from other animals that might try to hurt or eat them when they're sleeping." Of course Bean asks what animals try to hurt and eat the chimps so I say lions, tigers, and hyenas, all the while praying that I'm not steering this young mind wrong. After I give her this (cross your fingers) hopefully accurate list of predators, she peers down at the chimp with this "look" on her face. I can translate non verbal communication well but I didn't have enough experience with 3 year olds to predict what would come next. I hypothesized that Bean would either:
a) burst into tears at the thought of her little monkey being savagely devoured
b) have no idea what I was talking about and continue where we left off in the world of the Littlest Pet Shop
c) privately ask her mom when I would be leaving, seeing as how I am a complete weird-o and all
b) have no idea what I was talking about and continue where we left off in the world of the Littlest Pet Shop
c) privately ask her mom when I would be leaving, seeing as how I am a complete weird-o and all
Evidently, the "look" was one of contemplation because Bean then looked up at me and asked (I shit you not)....."What about the hawks?" The only response I was able to muster was a quite and amazed, "Wow....you're smart." I didn't really have an answer, I know there are hawks in Africa and I remembered reading about them capturing baby chimps but I don't know if they're a real threat to adult chimps and I wasn't about to tell that little face that hawks only eat babies. So I played it safe and said, "Yeah, they do have to be careful of the hawks but they're less of a threat." Then I fumbled over explaining what a threat was. I was blown away.
Bean isn't only smart, she's pretty creative too. My friend informed me that Bean has an imaginary friend named Gabriella who just showed up one day. I asked Bean where Gabriella was and she informed me that Gabriella wasn't with us because Gabriella was mad at Bean. I asked Bean why Gabriella was mad at her and she said, in a very confused and concerned voice, "She says I hit her, but I didn't." I laughed hysterically. I later came to find out that Gabriella lives in Chicago and is often home sick so Bean doesn't get to see her much. I wonder if this is a typical tactic children use to phase out their imaginary friends when they're no longer needed. Dr. Spock?
Anyway, back to the two things I learned. I wanted to share this story so I'll give you two chimpanzee (my favorite animal by the way) facts that I found.
1. I knew chimpanzees were extremely smart but I did not know that scientists have actually observed chimps eat feeding on medicinal plants when they're feeling ill or are injured.
I couldn't find another interesting fact about chimpanzees that I didn't know (I'm seriously not a braggart, they are my favorite animal and I honestly know a lot about them) so I'll share a fact about Jane Goodall that I just learned.
2. Jane Goodall was awarded the Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II.
"The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves."
-Jane Goodall-
-Jane Goodall-
Bonus fact: When chimpanzees are happy they will make a grunting noise. When a chimpanzee "grins" and gives a toothy "smile" people often assume they are happy but in fact that is a sign that they are feeling anxiety or fear. Please remember this next time you are watching a film or television show where they use chimpanzees for entertainment purposes.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #22, 23, 24, and 25
Haven't been able to blog much, it's been a pretty crazy week, good crazy though, not the kind that makes you fantasize about strangling don't knows (alternative word for strangers) in the grocery store.
Four things that I've learned in the last four days huh?
1. Both Albert Einstein and Adolf Hitler were vegetarians.

"I have always eaten animal flesh with a somewhat guilty conscience."
- Albert Einstein-
- Albert Einstein-
2. The original title for John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is Something that Happened. Good thing he slept on that one. Of Mice and Men is one of my favorite books. I read this novel for the first time in sixth grade. After finishing it I remember feeling very old and wise. Being eleven years old it didn't take me long to recover.
3. Sasha Obama is the youngest child to live in the white house since John F. Kennedy was in office. Amy Carter was nine years old when her father was President and Malia Obama is just one year older than her. I think the presence of President Obama's daughters in the White House will add some much needed energy and freshness. I found this article which discussed a letter written to the Obama girls from Bush's twin daughters, it is very sweet and touching, you can check it out here:

4. About four seconds ago I learned that an eleven year old matador apparently beat a bull fighting record. After killing six young bulls in a single fight, Michelito Lagravere Peniche became the youngest matador to achieve this feat and set a new record.
Sorry to rain on your parade Michelito but I think bull fighting is a cruel and disgusting act. People call it sport, I don't think anything that results in the death of a living thing can be considered sport. One of the main aspects of sport is fun for all involved, unless you can prove to me that the creatures being executed are suicidal, I don't buy it.
Sorry for my rant, I hope everyone has a good week!
3. Sasha Obama is the youngest child to live in the white house since John F. Kennedy was in office. Amy Carter was nine years old when her father was President and Malia Obama is just one year older than her. I think the presence of President Obama's daughters in the White House will add some much needed energy and freshness. I found this article which discussed a letter written to the Obama girls from Bush's twin daughters, it is very sweet and touching, you can check it out here:

4. About four seconds ago I learned that an eleven year old matador apparently beat a bull fighting record. After killing six young bulls in a single fight, Michelito Lagravere Peniche became the youngest matador to achieve this feat and set a new record.
Sorry to rain on your parade Michelito but I think bull fighting is a cruel and disgusting act. People call it sport, I don't think anything that results in the death of a living thing can be considered sport. One of the main aspects of sport is fun for all involved, unless you can prove to me that the creatures being executed are suicidal, I don't buy it.
Sorry for my rant, I hope everyone has a good week!
Labels: animals, goal, learning, new year, pictures, random, sheisty
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #19 and 20
Here in Wisconsin lawns are often decorated with fake, plastic, miniturized deer or these big, ugly colored bulbs. Personally, I want to see more plastic flamingos, especially after learning that there are more plastic flamingos in the United States than real-live, authentic ones. Who'd a thunk it?

While we're on the subject of the lack of "real" animals, try this on for size.
The United Nations has declared 2009 the "Year of the Gorilla". Greatly due to loss of habitat caused by deforestation and bush meat hunting, the gorilla is just a few years from becoming extinct if conditions don't change. Help by others of the devastating situation of these magnificent and important primates.
Please go to the International Gorilla Conservation Program for more information.

Labels: animals, friends, goal, learning, love, naps, new year, pictures, soul
Sunday, January 18, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #18
James Earl Ray was the man who assassinated Martin Luther King Junior on April 4th, 1968. I learned that while Ray was serving his 99 year sentence at Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in Tennessee, he and six other convicts escaped, only to be recaptured three days later. One more year was added to his 99 year sentence. Ray died in prison in 1998 due to liver failure.
On Monday, January 19th let's make sure to take time to remember and honor Martin Luther King Jr., without his unwavering conviction to equality and human rights I don't think we'd be celebrating the historical and proud moment our nation will experience when we inaugurate our first African-American president. Thank you Dr. King!
Labels: birthday, goal, learning, love, new year, pain, soul
Saturday, January 17, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #15, 16 and 17
Everyone is familiar with The Little Mermaid. I myself love the movie, when I was little I wanted to be Ariel. Anytime I was swimming I re-enacted the scene where Ariel is singing "Part of your World" and launches herself up on a rock. Anyway, I learned that in the original, Hans Christian Anderson tale, Ariel wanted to be human for two reasons. The first being, like in the movie, to marry and love prince (who doesn't want that?). In the original however, Ariel also wants an eternal soul. Apparently merfolk don't have souls, when they die they turn into sea foam.

Last night I went to this Rocky Horror Picture Show party/movie showing/play. Now, I have NEVER seen this film. I have heard about it and get the cult classic-ness about it but am unfamiliar with the movie in general. My friend called and asked if I wanted to go. I said sure and she said, "People dress up." Hhhhmmm I thought, what do people dress up as? So, what did I do? I googled "Rock Horror Picture Show costumes". What came up is a whole lot of transvestites in lingerie and corsets. Now, we're experiences below zero temperatures here in Wisconsin and the last thing I'm going to be donning is nylons and booty shorts. Tossing that idea I continued to surf the internets until I came across this character.

His name is Riff Raff. What drew me to this character was not his striking good looks or his winning smile, it was his clothes, he was actually wearing some. I threw on some black pants, white shirt, and suit coat, slicked back my greasy hair, darkened my eyebrows and threw on some dark lipstick. I didn't have to paint my face white because it's the middle of winter and I already look like a ghost.
So I get to the theater and it takes half a second to realize that I made a mistake. Instead of dressing up as characters, people just dressed up. The sluttier the better. I ordered a beer and sat by the bar listening to some shitty new age music and waiting for my friend who showed up a half hour late. I think people thought I was a dominatrix.
My friend finally showed up and we ended up having a really really good time. I still don't know what the movie is about. So, what did a learn? I learned how to dance the Time Warp.
Finally, today I learned that the word "toast," when people are cheersing <----made up word , means a wish of good health. This tradition originated in Rome, where a piece of toasted bread was dropped into wine.
Labels: awesome, friends, goal, hot, learning, new year, random
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #10, 11, 12,13 and 14.....yeah, I suck
Well, not keeping up on this very well but I am keeping up on the ever important....learning!
First things first, the Blues Traveler song, "Hook". I found out that the meaning of this timeless and main-stream tune is that the lyrics of a song can be completely hollow but if it has a good tune and a catchy "hook" people will love it. Point (and cash) well made Mr. John Popper. I'm sure many of you knew this but it was news to me.
Due to a conversation I had after learning about the Blues Traveler song, I learned another classic tune's "enlightened" significance. The central theme of the Eagles tune, "Hotel California" is the American decline into materialism. Next time you listen to it, listen instead for it.
I'm feeling like a Trivial Pursuit writer.....I should be banking on this blog, Lord knows I'll be needing the extra cash soon (foreshadowing alert!).
Enough about music. The last trivial bit of information I learned was that the only American president never to marry was James Buchanan. Is engagement to Ann Coleman was broken off and afterward he vowed never to marry. Speaking of marriage.....
On Tuesday, January 13th, I learned that I no longer have a boyfriend, in fact, I now have a fiance. Yes, yes, yes, I got engaged! My boyfriend of nine years proposed to me while ice skating on a snowy and romantic evening. I was so surprised I actually began skating away when he got down on one knee. It was simply beautiful and one of the happiest moments of my life. I'm sure most of my future "knowledge" posts will center around wedding details and frustrations. I'll try to keep a variety.
Lastly, and a bit depressingly, I learned that the wedding business is a BILLION dollar industry. This left me sad because the indisputable core of a wedding is *love*, and that my friends, don't cost a thing.
*New goal alert. I know it's going to be difficult, as I am easily lured, but I am going to try my darndest to theme my wedding around pure and simple love, because I'm the luckiest girl in the world for having found it myself.
Friday, January 9, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #9
Today I learned that radio city music hall cost eight million dollars to build $$$$$$$$$$$ and that was in the 30's, you can imagine what the cost would be now.
More important than the home base of the Rockettes, I learned that I'm a pretty damn good poet/rapper. Check out the "rappet" I wrote for my friend at From the Desk of Miss Lippy, she won my cool contest and I rewarded her with the following:
*names have been changed to protect identities
No Title
Her hair is long, soft, and fly
Her favorite dessert is pecan pie.
There's nothing this lady can't preserve in a jar
She used to drive a pretty, pink, stripper car.
I'll tell you what, and it's for sho'
Give her a gun and she'll shoot you a doe.
She loves the environment and BLEEP too,
Her baptismal name happens to be CENSORED Sue.
CENSORED'S my friend, it ain't no lie,
Now get in the kitchen bitch and make me some pie.
My English major boyfriend later corrected me (throat clearing), I realize now that sho' does not rhyme with doe. Thanks again Richie....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #8
Sadly, what I learned today wasn't happy news. The legendary sexual revolutionist, Bettie Paige died on December 12th, 2008. While many don't condone Bettie Paige's lively hood, I can only speculate that she helped a lot of folks living in the depression and post-depression era escape reality for awhile and just fantasize. And I think that's quite alright. Thanks Bettie!

rest in peace
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #6
Ouch! Today I learned that downward facing dog is suppose to be a relaxing and comfortable yoga pose. Not for me, I can balance like none other but I can't seem to get the knack of this "easy" position. It probably has something to do with my "condition" butI won't let that stop me. New Goal Alert: I will be comfortable in downward facing dog in 2 months!

Bonus Knowledge: Portugal produces more cork than any other country, about half of the world's output to be exact.
Monday, January 5, 2009
365 Days of Knowledge #5
Today I learned that you cannot order the Atomic Wings at Quaker Steak and Lube without first signing a release form.....true story.

On a more educational note, I learned that the basset hound was bred to have a white tip at the end of their tail in order to help hunters see them while tracking animals.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year "Goal"
This year, instead of a making a resolution that I will not keep, I'm going to make a new year goal. My goal this year is to learn one new thing everyday, and try to keep track of it.
Since it's January 4th now, I'll give an update on everything I've learned thus far:
January 1st : I learned what a haberdashery was. A haberdashery is an English men's clothing store.
January 2nd : Not only does a computer have a CD-ROM, it also has a CD-RAM which stand for Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory. I'm not entirely sure what it does but I know your computer has one.
January 3rd: The movie Steel Magnolias was a screenplay by Robert Harling before it was a motion picture. I didn't say everything I had to learn was going to be educational in nature.
January 4th: Today I learned that it's OK to not have the faintest idea of what the future is going to hold, the important part is enjoying the present.
I hope everyone's 2009 is going well.
Peace and Love in the New Year!