365 Days of Knowledge #6
Ouch! Today I learned that downward facing dog is suppose to be a relaxing and comfortable yoga pose. Not for me, I can balance like none other but I can't seem to get the knack of this "easy" position. It probably has something to do with my "condition" butI won't let that stop me. New Goal Alert: I will be comfortable in downward facing dog in 2 months!

Bonus Knowledge: Portugal produces more cork than any other country, about half of the world's output to be exact.
I don't know what it is, but I'm confident I wouldn't be comfortable doing it.
That's okay, Brianne. I have trouble with child's pose. Why would I want to put my face on the floor? Incidently, the word varification word for this comment is "duckm." Maybe it's the internets way of saying something that rhymes about mastering those crazy yogis' poses.
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