Snickity Snackity
I just remembered this funny story. I wasn't even involved in this hilarious exchange but I was told it and I have the right to retell it because it involves two of my closest friends.
During college two of my roommates, Choppa and Miss Lippy, had a class together, as we often did. This class (I believe history but am probably wrong) was in a very large lecture hall and came at the end of a very long day for Choppa. Choppa, was always really hungry by this time and would routinely get a bag of Cheez-It's from the vending machine to munch during her final class. Choppa (Cheez-It's in hand) and Miss Lippy would meet before class, sit together and commence learning. One day, Choppa was extra hungry and decided to get two bags of Cheez-It's. Other than this anomaly, events transpired per usual.
Choppa finished off her first bag of Cheez-It's and without skipping a beat, opened the second and resumed munching. Although this was not relayed to me, I'm sure Miss Lippy had some thoughts running through her head surrounding the double serving of Cheez-It's being inhaled by her dear and petite friend. Choppa did indeed finish the second bag of Cheez-It's and in my mind's version of this story, she straightens out the corners of the bag and pours the crumbs into her mouth*.
After finishing off two bags of Cheez-It's, wiping crumbs off her face, her chest and I'm sure her books, Choppa slowly leans back in her seat, throws an arm around Miss Lippy's chair, turns to her and says, "Woof, shouldn't have had that second bag of Cheez-It's".
What makes this funny is the fact that this hunger response and subsequent satiated reaction is coming from one of the cutest and tiniest people I know.

*please note this detail has not been verified
Labels: chortle, footnotes, friends, guffaw, love, random, woof
Dude, it was anthropology, not that big of a lecture hall, and it was at 11:30 in the morning. Other than that, and I think the latter is important, you're exactly right. We still say that when we're full.
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