"Quick as a Cat" is so Cliche
I came home from work last week and decided my place stunk, instead of cleaning I lit a few candles, a stick of incense and proceeded to "google" insanely expensive real estate (it's an obsession of mine that often leaves me quite depressed).
About 15 minutes into the self pity I knowingly set myself up for, I smelled something, something putrid. I had the dryer running and at first hypothesized that the smell was a broken belt from the dryer. I quickly realized that the smell was a too intense to be coming from the basement. I followed the smell into the kitchen where I found the following scene. The picture shown is obviously a reenactment (and quite a good one if you ask me).

Needless to say, Roswell was on fire! I had had a candle burning on my above the sink shelf and Roswell was wandering around on it and caught fire. As soon as a ran in the room and assessed the situation I yelled out. Roswell looked at me and meowed, clueless to the fact that he was quickly transforming from a fur ball, to a fireball. I ceased to think and began reacting, I grabbed the cat and threw him in the sink and turned the water on. After I successfully extinguished the cat I assessed the damage. The hair on Roswell's right side was singed and black but the skin had not been burnt at all, I don't even think the cat ever knew he'd been on fire. After a big sigh of relief and hugs and kisses, I gave the cat what he needed and what he deserved, a bath!
Lessons learned: 1. Cats are NOT fire retardent.
2. Fire safety won't save you in the clutch, instinct will.
Dude, I've seen many cats go up in flames, and they NEVER know they're on fire. They just give you this look as if to say, "And why are you beating me against the couch cushion?" I'm glad to hear that Roswell is alright, and I think the reenactment is pretty good, even capturing Roswell's aloofness.
Dude, blog more often. I check this once a day.
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